Repost from github: The record ID number you supplied is not valid


I have been trying to use the client to download files from the cernopendata website. However, all recid seems to output not valid recid.
I follow the examples from 3. CLI API — cernopendata_client 0.4.0 documentation

Has the client been disconnected from the website or am i doing something incorrect?
(I just pip install cernopendata-client)


$ cernopendata-client get-file-locations --recid 5500
   ==> ERROR: The record ID number you supplied is not valid.

Solution found: The record ID number you supplied is not valid. · Issue #149 · cernopendata/cernopendata-client · GitHub

I have created a python script that utilizes the cern open data client library

Reach out if you’re interested!

Do you mean something similar to the cernopendata-client and its functionality? 2. Usage — cernopendata_client 0.4.0 documentation

If you are missing any functionality in the client, please don’t hesitate to open a feature request in its GitHub repository: GitHub · Where software is built