I am trying to extract the information of secondary vertex from /QCD_Pt_470to600_TuneCP5_13TeV_pythia8/RunIISummer20UL16MiniAODv2-106X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v17-v1/MINIAODSIM | CERN Open Data Portal
Every parameter that I am trying to access is in the list form as shown here:
svNdf \
0 []
1 [0.9372603893280029, 6.627773284912109, 2.9017...
2 [4.729351043701172, 0.9429101943969727, 1.1871...
3 [8.71173095703125, 6.702803611755371]
4 [13.29013442993164, 0.9429559707641602, 2.9734...
Which corresponds to the different number of secondary vertices obtained from each event. I want to know on what basis are these secondary vertices arranged in each list? Also, I am interested in a particular secondary vertex, i.e. from bb quark, So how can I get a dataframe of parameters from only those secondary vertices.