I notice that there are several datasets missing. For instance, GJets_HT-40To100, TTTo2L2Nu, ZGToLLG, WGToLNuG, ZGTo2NuG, ZNuNuGJets, ZJetsToNuNu. They are quite important for my interest in Photon and non-resonant analysis for ML.
Will there samples be added to the opendata in the future?
Indeed, for the 2016 release we are working on clearing up some samples whose records didn’t get correctly populated on the portal webpage.
Is this a complete list of what you’re looking for and not finding? We can prioritize those pages and send you the file paths. Which file type are you planning to use?
Hello Julie,
Thank you for the reply.
I have a list of simulation datasets that are currently unavailable but important for the analysis:
I will prefer nanoAOD for the analysis.
Hi Hanwen,
Sorry for the delay getting you these lists!
Please check out this file that you should be able to download from my CERNbox: CERNBox
This file contains the URLs of the file lists for most of these datasets. In the ROOT docker container (or your own ROOT installation that includes xrootd) you can use xrdcp to download the file lists locally:
xrdcp root://eospublic.cern.ch//path/to/the/file/index/blahblah_file_index.txt .
The lists themselves contain all the URLs of the individual files.
The GJets dataset is not in this file – it doesn’t seem to have made it into our list of datasets to publish via OpenData. Likely this is because of inserting “4cores5k” in the processing string. So we will have to check this dataset out and see about adding it to the portal.