Error processing specific trigger analysis

Hello. I’m running an analysis that is somewhat similar to the TriggerSimplePrescalesAnalyzer. At first, I ran the analysis while using the MinimumBias 2011 dataset and setting the HLT_ZeroBias as the trigger that I wanted for my analysis. It worked fine and I got the results I hoped for.

But when I tried the same analysis with the HLT_L1Tech_BSC_minBias_threshold1 trigger, by setting

triggerPatterns = cms.vstring(“HLT_L1Tech_BSC_minBias_threshold1_v*”)

I got the following error when it began to process the 1st record

Begin processing the 1st record. Run 178871, Event 41507359, LumiSection 31 at 13-Oct-2020 22:54:20.118 CEST
%MSG-i CondDBESSource: AfterSource 13-Oct-2020 22:54:20 CEST PostBeginLumi
Getting data for record “DTKeyedConfigContainerRcd” to be consumed by run: 178871 lumi: 31 event: 41507359, timestamp: 5664196152636131668; from CondDBESSource::setIntervalFor
%MSG-i CondDBESSource: AfterSource 13-Oct-2020 22:54:20 CEST PostBeginLumi
Processing record “DTKeyedConfigContainerRcd” and label “” for run: 178871 lumi: 31 event: 41507359, timestamp: 5664196152636131668; from CondDBESSource::setIntervalFor
No patterns found. Please check quality file…
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector< boost::lock_error > >’
what(): boost::lock_error
Aborted (core dumped)

What went wrong here?

@gabriel, usually this message “No patterns found” means exactly that, i.e., that there are no triggers found with that name pattern. Note that this trigger is from the 2010 dataset. It looks like that trigger might not be in the 2011 dataset. You could always try to find out what triggers are in each datasets directly following something similar as in this exercise.

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Ok, got it. I thought that it should be there because it was listed here.

Thanks for the help!!

Yes, you are right, but note that you are looking at a file with run 178871, while the last run in which this trigger appeared was apparently 165633.

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