Embed the OD forum in the ATLAS Open Data website

Dear devs,
Within ATLAS Open Data we would like to link users directly to this forum to submit their questions.
To do so, we’d like to embed https://opendata-forum.cern.ch/ within our website: https://opendata.atlas.cern/

If we try to setup the most basic configuration, like:

<iframe src="https://opendata-forum.cern.ch/new-topic?title=topic%20title&category=atlas" style={{ width: '100%', height: '500px', border: 'none' }}></iframe>

We see the following message in the rendered frame:

I have then a couple of questions:

  1. Is there another way to embed a topic creation in our website?
  2. If not, is it possible to add an exception for our website, so that we can properly embed the forum?

Thanks a lot for your help,

Summoning @jbenito and @tiborsimko.
Thanks a lot for the help!