Thanks for the reply Julie! I haven’t really worked with pythia before but I believe that the decay process could be broken down into two sets of pythia string instructions based on the pdgid’s listed in the cern twiki.
String 1: gg → H0 → W+/- H-/+ → W+/- W-/+ h0 → W+/- W-/+ b bar → jj b bar l- nu
pythia.readString(“HardQCD:gg2gg = on”)
pythia.readString(“HiggsSM:gg2H = on”)
pythia.readString(“35:onMode = off”)
pythia.readString(“35:onIfMatch = 24 -37”)
pythia.readString(“-35:onMode = off”)
pythia.readString(“-35:onIfMatch = -24 37”)
pythia.readString(“-37:onMode = off”)
pythia.readString(“-37:onIfMatch = -24 25”)
pythia.readString(“37:onMode = off”)
pythia.readString(“37:onIfMatch = 24 25”)
pythia.readString(“25:onMode = off”)
pythia.readString(“25:onIfMatch = 5 -5”)
pythia.readString(“24:onMode = off”)
pythia.readString(“24:onIfAny = 11 12 13 14 15 16”)
pythia.readString(“-24:onMode = off”)
pythia.readString(“-24:onIfMatch = 2 -1”)
pythia.readString(“-24:onIfMatch = 4 -3”)
String 2: gg → H0 → W+/- H-/+ → W+/- W-/+ h0 → W+/- W-/+ b bar → jj b bar l+ nu
pythia.readString(“HardQCD:gg2gg = on”)
pythia.readString(“HiggsSM:gg2H = on”)
pythia.readString(“35:onMode = off”)
pythia.readString(“35:onIfMatch = 24 -37”)
pythia.readString(“-35:onMode = off”)
pythia.readString(“-35:onIfMatch = -24 37”)
pythia.readString(“-37:onMode = off”)
pythia.readString(“-37:onIfMatch = -24 25”)
pythia.readString(“37:onMode = off”)
pythia.readString(“37:onIfMatch = 24 25”)
pythia.readString(“25:onMode = off”)
pythia.readString(“25:onIfMatch = 5 -5”)
pythia.readString(“-24:onMode = off”)
pythia.readString(“-24:onIfAny = -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16”)
pythia.readString(“24:onMode = off”)
pythia.readString(“24:onIfMatch = -2 1”)
pythia.readString(“24:onIfMatch = -4 3”)
And then something similar for ttbar->semi-leptonic.
I’m not entirely sure how to actually utilize these strings in the cms-sw pythia generation scripts or how to go from there to miniaod. Any insights or links to resources would be much appreciated.
Eric Reinhardt