cmsrel CMS_5_3_32 timeout

Hi, I have installed CMS VM 1.5.3 correctly and it works correctly. However it appears when I type “cmsrel CMSSW_5_3_32” (I have checked it from command “scram list”), the terminal returns:
“Waiting for release information to be obtained via (timeout in 7s)
WARNING: Reading release information from is timed out, ignoring any release checks.” and nothing else happened.

I had similar problems when using docker to install different versions of cmssw and I had to use mirror website for docker. And this is probably not a VM internet connection problem since I can use firefox freely. (But not google though) Do I need a vpn connection for the VM?

Thank you,
Dahai Wen


Apologies for the delay responding over the holiday break.

I’m not immediately familiar with this issue. As a general rule no, you should not need a VPN to access CMS Open Data, but of course you might try that. (Maybe @katilp or @mccauley recall issues like this?)

We definitely recommend Docker for accessing CMSSW. By “similar issues” do you mean that when checking out the container you get a timeout message, and the container does not successfully start inside a CMSSW directory?

Julie Hogan


Thank you so much for the reply. The “similar issues” in docker I mean (pardon me for referring to a tutorial: Using Docker with the CMS open data – Docker pre-exercises)

For step "
docker run -it --name my_od --net=host --env=“DISPLAY” -v $HOME/.Xauthority:/home/cmsusr/.Xauthority:rw -v ${HOME}/cms_open_data_work:/code cmsopendata/cmssw_7_6_7-slc6_amd64_gcc493 /bin/bash
I will get exactly the same result (time out) unless I use a docker mirror website (or registry-mirrors) by adding that site in front of “cmsopendata”. That is, the prompt becomes
…_work:/code docker_mirror_site/cmsopendata/cmssw_7_6_7… And this solves the problem. So I am suggesting I might have the same problem with cmsrel in the virtual machine.

I think I am at the container since command “scram list” returns a list of slc6 versions instead of slc7 (as mentioned in the tutorial). Sorry if I misunderstand your question here.

Hope I clarify that to you,
Dahai Wen


Ok, very interesting. I agree, I would guess that you are having the same issue in the VM.

Is there a particular reason you prefer a VM over Docker? It sounds like the docker setup is functional when downloaded from this mirror site, so that might be a workaround.

It would be interesting to see if you can locate a file of interest to you on the portal and try to interact with it, either by downloading or streaming:
Download: xrdcp root:// testDownload.root (should show a download progress bar)
Stream: root -l root:// (should eventually put you into the ROOT prompt where you can investigate the file with commands like _file0->ls() and others)



Sorry for the late reply… I have been using docker lately to avoid the problem. Thank you so much for the suggestions, I will try locate some file on the das and see what will come out…
So for now if no other solutions I will be using docker CMSSW instead,

Dahai Wen